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All German Exhibitors Were Satisfied

All German Exhibitors Were Satisfied

Written By : mehrdadk
Reading time : 2 minutes



All German Exhibitors Were Satisfied
All German Exhibitors Were Satisfied

After publication of the following news on April 19th 2016:

Iran : Germans are Discouraged of after JCOPA’s Business Party

about the comments of  “Ina Vettkötter“ regarding the hindered problems of the German’s future business in Iran, at a meeting with part of the “PIMI’s Editorial Team” in order to re-check the news, due to its source (a freelance journalist working during IranPlast with PIMI) and finding almost the same content (of course much longer) in another Media: The following link belongs to the other source:

German companies seeking way around US sanctions on Iran

The result was to publish the very short comments exchanged between the CEO of PIMI (A. A. Saatnia) and Mrs. “Gabriele Schreiber” of “Messe Düsseldorf” who was introduced less than a year ago at the position of the Project Manager of IranPlast 2016.

The comments have been exchanged during the visit of the “PIMI’s CEO” accompanying with part of the PIMI Editorial team.

within the short meeting happened at the last hours of the Exhibition kick off at the “Messe Düsseldorf” stand, Saatnia welcomed (even too late) the German participation at the “10th IranPlast Exhibition” and expressed PIMI Editorial Team’s congratulations to the record breaking of the German  exhibitors number as well as the total number of the Non-Iranian companies at the Show, which for the first time outnumbered the Iranians Exhibitors.

Discussing some rumors over foreign exhibitors’ dissatisfaction and complaints about lack of business during the Show, Saatnia asked: “Are the registered exhibitors via the German partnership with IranPlast satisfied with the results? Have you received any complaints? and are these Gossips correct?

In a decisive response, Gabriele Schrieber, made a clear comment: “I am speaking based on the results received and collected through a written survey from our exhibitors, and so I can say that, we have received no complaint and so all exhibitors are satisfied with the fair

Further to another question shared with the IranPlast Project Manger, the following comments were exchange:

Saatnia: “I have visited many exhibitions that are organized under the “Messe Düsseldorf” flag in the world, and it is a question for me that why visitors can’t feel the “Messe Düsseldorf” standards here? Why no one can see the famous flags of “Messe Düsseldorf” that are usually hanging in every corners of ArabPlast, Interplastica, etc. here? Why we can’t feel the German’s partnership here at IranPlast, as we do at other exhibitions under your umbrella in other countries?”

Schrieber: “You know that the time was too short and our main target was to invite as many as exhibitors that were possible, and we had a great success as you can see. However, applying the “K” Standards here needs time and harmonization and we will do it in future for sure. Then you can feel it within the next periods”

The readers can follow the first announcement of “Messe D” on behalf of IranPlast and their partnership here below:

Messe Düsseldorf expands international portfolio of trade fairs for the plastics and rubber industry

Note: Please note that the above comments exchanged between the two key managers were not recorded as a media interview, and just have been reported in a short hand writing by the PR of PIMI, so, there may be some synonym words which have been used to reflex the main content.


About “Gabriele Schrieber

Gabriele SchrieberShe is the Project Manager for many non-European partners of “Messe-Dusseldorf” partners in plastics exhibition. She has a long experience in management of of such out of the German borders exhibitions and deals with different people of diverse culture. This is the key point for her success in her managements of the fares. Plastics & Rubber exhibitions are one her few experiences to run it successfully.

The photo has been copied from er LinkedIn page.

Release Date 22 April 2016

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