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Germany will help Iranian industries by NDT technology

Germany will help Iranian industries by NDT technology

Written By : mehrdadk
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Germany will help Iranian industries by NDT technology

Germany will help Iranian industries by NDT technology

Sales manager of a German company said by supplying equipment for the measurement of production quality, “we intend to help the Iranian domestic industries.”

Speaking with an Iranian News Agency, Christoph Husler the regional sales manager of the “German Fischer Company” in Stuttgart told on the sidelines of an exhibition on latest industrial achievements in non-destructive testing (NDT) that the company’s equipment are applicable in industries such as auto making, electrical tools, jewelry, construction and many other industries.
He said his company has been cooperating with Iran for long years by exporting its products to Iran, adding that it is now intended to provide Iran with further tools to help improve its domestic industries.
The non-destructive testing is a series of methods for making assessment and determining characteristics of manufactured devices so that it would not alter the general system.
The non-destructive testing has a wide range of application in different industries such as auto manufacturing, spare parts, development engineering, aviation and oil and gas industries.
The 3rd International NDT conference was held in Tehran Feb. 24-25 with the cooperation of the Oil Ministry, the National Iranian Gas Company, Tehran University, etc.
The first and second conferences were held in 2007 and 2008.

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