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PolyAmide Replaces Die Cast Zinc in Compact Air Compressor

PolyAmide Replaces Die Cast Zinc in Compact Air Compressor

Written By : aasaatnia
Reading time : 1 minutes



PolyAmide Replaces Die Cast Zinc in Compact Air Compressor

is a diversified title of the news published at the “Industry News Section” of the “K-Portal


Photo courtesy of “Plastics Today

DSM Engineering Plastics” has supplied a high-temperature polyamide (PA) grade under its ForTii range for the housing of a newly redesigned compact air compressor used in car repair kits to fix flat tires. The injection-molded material replaces multiple die-cast zinc components and has reduced the weight of the air pump by more than 50%.

The pump is made by Chinese company Guan Xiang, a leading producer of portable air compressors. The company was able to significantly reduce its production costs, as ForTii enabled extra functional integration into a single component and eliminated secondary assembly operations associated with zinc die-cast parts.

The above abstract has been copied from the “K 2016-Portal” at “Industry News Section
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About “DSM Engineering Plastics

PolyAmide Replaces Die Cast Zinc in Compact Air Compressor
PolyAmide Replaces Die Cast Zinc in Compact Air Compressor

DSM Engineering Plastics has a focused portfolio of products; with each of them it has realized global leadership. DSM is the global number 3 in the overall market for semi-crystalline engineering plastics and is the global market leader in high-temperature polyamides. In polyamide 6, DSM holds a number 2 position, as it does in thermoplastic copolyester elastomers.

DSM offers an industry-leading portfolio of green thermoplastic technologies. Its leadership in sustainable solutions is demonstrated by its complete portfolio of halogen-free engineering plastics, developed for a wide range of high-performance applications. This has been further strengthened by the successful launch of new innovations, of which Stanyl® ForTii™, the new breakthrough high-temperature polyamide with halogen-free flame retardant grades, is a recent example.

DSM strives to further improve the environmental performance of its products. The most innovative developments in this field are new bio-based polymers and bio-based building blocks. DSM is already making good progress on this front: EcoPaXX® is the best-performing green polymer available, and has a zero carbon footprint.

Many of DSM’s customers are looking for materials with high recyclability to improve the Life Cycle Assessment scores of their own products. DSM is leading the response to this need. Recognizing the growing interest in recycling with the ultimate goal of achieving closed-loop systems, DSM has adopted the Cradle to Cradle® concept as part of its sustainability strategy. DSM is also actively replacing hazardous materials, particularly by introducing halogen-free alternatives, such as Arnitel® XG (used in consumer electronics cables), Stanyl ForTii (especially in electronic connectors), and Arnite® XG (used in electrical insulation in white goods).

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