As a regular known procedure, after 22 months of launching this portal and in coincidence with the first day of launching of this Portal globally (22nd, November, 2015), also due to huge increasing in individual viewers (now more than 220.000 unique IP addresses) and daily visits, the executive IT team of the portal have decided to increase the band width and the hosting memory of the portal and this sounds for payment of some subscribers for reading some specific news edited by experts.
These news and laterو market analysisو should be written, edited and copy edited by a higher level economical and market analysts experts which will have higher expenses. The PIMI Portal has been free of charge at all sectors and the expenses / incomes graphs doesn’t support this trend, so we have to move to the direction of other global websites and portals.
From Aug. 1st 2017, some specific news and analysis, are only open to those subscribers and viewers which have a paid account. To be sure of removing every bugs we will run this new procedure for two months. Those who act to pay for their subscription will enjoy from one year extra subscription fee which is already very low and for our testing run.
We are open to any opinion, critics, proposals and sharing thoughts. PIMI will automatically verify all present accounts and will automatically update their “free” subscriptions. However if you will accidentally face with a paid login problem and feel that you are one of the following eligible subscribers to “free service” then don’t hesitate to write us immediately. Those who are eligible for “Free Subscription” are:
1- Authors, contributors, editors, and advisers who have shared their energy and time with PIMI Portal;
2- The advertisers during the validity of their advertisements plus 3 months bonus ahead;
3- Media partners and all companies having a banner at any position within this Portal;
4- IRI Government’s surveillance staffs;
5- University professors in connection with the editors working with this Portal (part or full time);
6- VIP subscribers and Others (with advance notification)