The history and the introduction of the Editorial Team of PIMI.IR

The names of our colleagues are listed according to the date of their attendance to the team


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Saatnia GB01

The Editorial Team of PIMI.IR is composed of two groups;

1- Those old friends of the Founder of this website, which are either from the publishing world or are active as polymers specialists, and are living outside of Iran;

2- Those old friends and / or young colleagues/friends who have joined the “PIM” team in recent years and are living in Iran;

Apparently these two groups arrange the main structure of the Editorial team of “PIMI” Portal and each one is devoting his/her allocated time to fulfill the requirements of this Portal;

In order to be distinguishable, these two teams are introduced in two sectors of this website;

The names/photos of the first group is published at this Portal’s “Media Kit” and also at the bottom of this page;

And the names/photos of those within to the 2nd group, are introduced herein after according to the date of their joining to our group. The CEO of PIMI Portal is trying to expand both teams at international level with another two great goals which will be announced in due time.

And this is the list of our colleagues here in Iran:

Name “AASaatnia”

1- A. A. Saatnia (above photo): Born in 1952 having academic educations in Chemistry; Chemical Engineering; Polymer Science and Technology; Sociology (from Iran and UK); and, certificates of training or short courses in Journalism; Advertisement Marketing; Extrusion Technology; Masterbatch Production, Screw & Cylinders; Medical Parts’ production; Etc. from USA, Canada, Italy, Austria, Etc. With vast professional history in plastics industry and publication, mainly creating of the first specialty plastics magazine (Plastics Industry Magazine=PIM) and Recycling Magazine plus several websites and portals all related to the polymer industries in Iran. He started to study (both structural and feasible) about the necessity of creating of this Portal with the focus on the publication of reliable Iranian industry news and analysis plus accountable statistics about the so called fields.

Contact: (


Name “P.Saatnia”

 2- Pooneh Saatnia; Born in 1978 Birmingham, UK; she is a post graduate of “International Law” from the “Faculty of Law” of  “Shahid Beheshti University” (Former National University of Iran) in 2004 and the Graduate of “Law” from the “Faculty of Law and Political Science” of “University of Tehran” in 2001, has acquired her lawyer’s license from “Iranian Central Bar Association” in 2005 and operated her independent law office in Tehran.

She later joined a group of 6 Iranian lawyers in another office. So far she has successfully defended more than 100 cases including two mandatory “Assistance Criminal Cases” per year since 2005.

Pooneh Saatnia is now heading a group of “Iranian lawyers“, but she also works on behalf of newly founded “PIMI Global Law Office” with her two very close friends in this sector.

She was the first assistant and adviser of the CEO of this Portal regarding laws and regulations and since the beginning she has been the main responsible body for the “Law in Iran” Section of this Portal. During her professional life history, she has defended her father at several courts all statements related to the media activities of Mr. Saatnia, including in two Revolutionary Courts, between 2012-2014.

Her PIMI professional positions is: Chief-Editor of “National & International Law” and supervisor of News, Articles, Comments and emails to/from PIMI Portal:


Hamid Alinia

Letter “H.A.Ziazi”

3-Hamid Reza Alini Ziazi (Left Photo): For sure any thought and plan behind a website needs an executive designer and someone who knows programming and is able to convert thoughts, ideas, proposals and plans to something suitable for users at this very highly competitive “www” world.

Hamid Alinia Ziazi, only 20, is an intelligence who was part of a “Robo-Cup” team when he was only 17 and part of the winner team of the students’ competition in Tehran for designing and producing “SOS Robots”!

Even handling of this Portal’s total planing, designing and programming  by a young Genius student was too risky and of course time consuming, but the CEO of PIMI Portal made a handshaking with him (due to his own belief to working with young people rather than the elder “always claiming” experts) and the work started to develop. This is a work which always needs improvement and Hamid Alinia Ziazi is the one who has to bring it up to an endless end. He is, right now, a graduate student of “Web Designing & Programming” in a state university at Qazvin Province (west of Tehran).

His PIMI professional position is: Supporter and Supervisor of the website and its related servers in Iran ans the world. (Since Jan. 2017 he started his own company and is no more a continuous colleague of PIMI)

Claudio Celata

Name “Claudio Celata”

4- Claudio Celata: Born in 1942 in Finale Ligure (Liguria, Italy). Even his name is indexed at the top of our colleagues’ who reside outside Iran, but no one (within “PIM” team) can resist not to name him at the Iranian team’s section as well. Base on documentaries of the CEO of PIMI Portal: “I oath to all Saints that within the history of the Iranian industries, no one and no one from another country, has been so helpful than him to the Iranian industries”.

Mr. Claudio Celata, was the 4th (or in fact the first non-Iranian and the 4th of all) individual who joined “PIMI” team and the the one who promised his full support from the very first days and of course and like always, with his insist on respecting all international rules including the “Copy Rights” in the frame of PIMI activities.

“Claudio Celata” being an expert in plastics and rubber industries and technologies, with near 4o years of heading famous industrial publications (MacPlas International) and management of “ASSOCOMAPLAST” of Italy and its sub-divisions, is a valuable capital for this Portal. At the moment he is Managing Director of “CESAP” (An Italian research institute). Also, at the moment, he is the Chairman of the “European Technical Committee CEN TC145” responsible for safety standards concerning plastics and rubber machinery, and, a member of the “International committee ISO TC 270” with the same scope.

Mr. Claudio Celata’s Position at this portal is: Top Foreign Adviser, Exclusive News and News Analysis for Italy, PIMI Supervisor for “PIMI Advertisement Office of Italy“. Need to mention; Due to his “High Self-Sufficiency Personality” all his donations to PIMI Portal and its whole team, has been and is “Voluntarily”!. For “CV” of Mr. Claudio Celata, “Click Here“.


Name “Fouad Fazeli”

Fouad Fazeli025- Fouad Fazeli; Born in 1961 Tehran, is an expert in Polymer Science and Technology and a Graduate of the “Polymer Faculty” of “Amir-Kabir University“. He has a very positive professional background, including a formulator for PVC sheets at the greatest sheet production factory of Tehran. Fouad Fazeli started his cooperation with “PIM” at the position of technical writer and translator (1991) and continued at the position of “The Economical Section Editor” of “PIM” till 2006, when he was deeply engaged in his family owned business “Farvardin Tech” company; an expert company in Laboratory and factory auxiliaries and devices for polymer processing industries, and so had to pull out.

In Dec. 2015, the CEO of this portal convinced him for another round of cooperation with Media, and he accepted. Apart from supplying of the “World Bank Group”‘s articles, he is now responsible for economical reviews and news of the Iranian and the Global polymer businesses. His creations will soon appear at this portal.

We regret that our loyal friend and one of the editorial team of PIMI passed away due to lung canacer in July 2023. To remember him, we keep his biography as it was. God Bless Him.

6, 7, 8- Hamed Ghjarnia, Shayan Moein and Edward Mason; are the next fellows joined to the group (being presented at the “Midia Kit” sector of this Portal), the first named is living in Australia, and the other two in Toronto/Canada.

Contacts (Respectively as named above):

Name “Shervin Mottaghian Tehrani”

Shervin Mottaghian Tehrani9- Shervin Mottaghian Tehrani: Born in 1982 Tehran; He is 1/7 of the present colleagues of PIMI Portal which the our CEO has seen them since their birthday. Even so young, but as an ingenious artist, he has been working with “PIM” since the age of 21!

He is a Graduate of Graphic and Arts from the “Central Unit of Azad Islamic University“ with 14 years of work history. During operations of a very hard and determining project, a creative 450 Episodes’ Animation Feat (Persistent Stories, Persistent Voices still broadcasting from “IRIB“, at the position of Director and Project Manager) he also joined “PIM” since 1993 as the assistant manager of “PIM Artwork/Technical Office” and photographer and then took the control of the office since 2007/2008.

More than about his last 100 PIM Front Covers’ inspiring designs and determined photos of almost all event of PIM (including fantastic photos of “PLAST 2015” and “Milan EXPO 2015“), his exceptional self-sufficiency and donations to PIM, left no doubt for this Portal’s CEO that such a great work can’t be even started with him.

Now, he is the Graphic and Artwork adviser of the Portal, also designer of some banners and advertisements, and of course the main drive of any photography plan.


Rana Saatnia 02

10- Rana Saatnia; Born in 1980, Tehran; She is the 10th (somehow 5th) within PIMI group, and the executive assistant of the CEO of “PIM” since 2004, is a “Political Science” Graduate of the “Faculty of Law and Political Science” of “University of Tehran”.

Even she loves to be a successful housewife with more children, but, she has always been the right-hand side of her father in PIM executive works, at the position of Vice- Executive of PIM Chief-Editor. Since 2011 working and helping the team at home via internet.

For about 12 years, “Rana Saatnia” has helped the CEO of this Portal (at the position of the Executive Assistant of the PIM’s Chief-Editor ” and now. She is cooperating with PIMI Portal at the position of “National and International Politics” adviser and consultant. Also, a commentator.


11- Farideh Vazirabadi : Born in May 1954, she has been a life long assistant of the CEO of this Portal since their marriage in May 1975. Even with lack of high academic degrees, but she is an expert in Persian Literature with her exceptional dilemma in analysis of news.

Having such an expertise she was one of the main copy-editor of news selected for the PIM (Plastics Industry Magazine) till launching of this portal, when she started the “Data Entry” activity together with news supervision of tens of news titles per day in order to filtering those news that are useful to be translated for this portal. Social media checking is her third activity in favour of PIMI and PIME portals. the


Name “Roozbeh Ramezan Saatchi”

Roozbeh Saatchi01 14- Roozbeh Ramezan Saatchi; Born in 1982, Tehran; Roozbeh is another colleagues within 1/7 group (already explained above) of historical friends/ colleagues and relatives of the CEO. Although he is still young enough to be considered as a man with a complicated character/expertise, but anyway, this is a fact. Even he is the only under-graduate (Mathematics/Physics) colleague of PIMI Portal, but, he has been invited because he has different expertise and of course a work history with one of those exceptional “PIM” related websites ““. A professional football analysis and theoretical training website which was created for knowledge and happiness of the subscribers of the “PIM” and their family. However, because that website was everything than a gambling site, it was shut down by force. Roozbeh, R.S. was and is a football analyzer so he helped us to run that site.

Of course, his Football skillfulness was not the only reason to invite him to cooperate with PIMI Portal. Roozbeh, R. S. was also a skilled person in “CADD” software application and education (including; Auto Cad and  Mechanixal Desktop from “US Auto Desk“. Teaching “CADD” Designing & Engineering software at “Amir Kabir” Branch of “SRTT University“; Teaching AutoCad and Mechanical Desktop at “Techno-Professional Centresof the “Ministry of Labour, Cooperative and Social Welfare” and private institutes for computer related learning (2003-2011); Manager of the specialty AutoCad website ( and a member of the so called website’s editorial team (till now).
Roozbeh. R. Saatchi, is now the “Editor-in-Chief” of the “Business Directory of PIMI Portal” and is hardly working on extraction of valid and active polymer companies at international level, also the 4th adviser of the PIMI Portal.