Today’s tradings at the IME witnessed some important points. PIMI has analysed these points according to what has happened today. Please read it below:
PP for other purposes than textile production:
The following items were offered:
1. Supplying of the 730-tones of C30G Maroun PC that has not been offered in recent weeks.
2. The 99 tones of EP440G grade of Jam PC that was released last week.
3. An increase of 110 tons of EP440L grades and 440 tons of this product this week,
4. An increase of 220 tons for the 548R Jam delivery and a 660-tons supply of this product this week,
5. Reduction of 220 tons of Maroun MR230C grade and delivery of 330 tons of this product this week.
6. The 220-tons of RPX345S grade supply and the 440-tons supply of this product this week,
7. Increase of 84 tons of ZB332C grade Supply and supply of 210 tons of this product this week,
8. The 105-tons ZH515MA grade, which was not offered last week.
9. Increase of 105 tons of ZR230C grade supply and supplying of 315 tons of this product for this week.
Textile grades of PP:
1. An increase of 220 tons of Maroun C30S GRADE and 550 tons of this product.
2. The 440-ton increase in the 510L Jam PC supply and the 880-tons supply of this product this week,
3. Reducing 330 tons of 552R Jam supplies and supplying 440 tons of this product this week,
4. Supply of 1518 tons of grade 564S of Jam PC. This grade was supplied up to 4004 tons last week.
5. Reducing of 273-tons of 1102XL grade, and total supply of 315 tons of this product this week,
6. Increased 792-tonne Maroun Z30S Grade supply and the 1892-tons of supply this weekend.
7. The 252-tons increase in the 552R grade supply and 756-ton supply of this product this week,
The supply of this group was unchanged from the previous week and Shahzand has delivered 1,500 tons of 209AA grade and 3024 tons of 22B02 Mahabad is supplied by Bakhtar PC.
HDPE Blowing:
Reduced 220 tons of Maroun BL3 and 660 tons of this product this week
HDPE Film:
Increasing the 480-tons of EX5 grade from Kermanshah PC and supplying 960 tons of this grid this week
HDPE Pipe grade:
Shazand petrochemicals, like the last week, has 1,500 tons and the Maroun Petrochemicals has also produced 1320 tons of CRP100 grades for this week.
Apart from the above supplies today was the wee of PE and PP at the IME. The following tables show the official trades at the IME and at the free market. Today the value of US$ was recorded for Rials 41.850, though the base prices of this week’s materials have been determined based on the US$ value for 41.921 Rls.
Table I: The official purchases at the IME’s petrochemical.
Commodity | Symbol | Base Offering Price (IRR) | Closing Average Price | Offering (Tone) | Demand (Tone) | Trade Volume (Tone) |
Extrusion PP C30S | MPC-PPC30SL-00 | 44,458 | 49,426 | 550 | 2068 | 550 |
HDPE 62N07 | LOR-HD62N07WP-00 | 42,075 | 240 | 0 | 0 | |
HDPE 62N07UV | LOR-HD62N07UVWP-00 | 42,872 | 42,872 | 480 | 120 | 120 |
HDPE 62N07UV | LOR-HD62N07UVWP-00 | 42,872 | 42,872 | 0 | 24 | 24 |
HDPE BL3 | MPC-HDBL3L-00 | 46,202 | 46,284 | 660 | 726 | 660 |
HDPE CRP100N | MPC-HDCRP100NL-00 | 55,101 | 55,101 | 1320 | 572 | 374 |
HDPE CRP100N | SHPC-HDCRP100NWP-00 | 55,101 | 55,101 | 1500 | 1200 | 1060 |
HDPE CRP100N | SHPC-HDCRP100NWP-00 | 55,101 | 55,101 | 0 | 40 | 40 |
HDPE EX5 | KEPE-HDEX5WP-00 | 46,859 | 46,859 | 0 | 48 | 48 |
HDPE EX5 | KEPE-HDEX5WP-00 | 46,859 | 46,859 | 960 | 336 | 216 |
LLDPE | SHPC-LLD0209AAWP-00 | 44,637 | 45,207 | 1500 | 2300 | 1500 |
LLDPE 22B02 | MAPE-LLD22B02WP-00 | 44,637 | 44,637 | 1008 | 96 | 72 |
LDPE 2420E02 | KRD-LD2420E02WP-00 | 47,649 | 47,649 | 960 | 552 | 480 |
LDPE 2420E02 | KRD-LD2420E02WP-00 | 47,649 | 47,649 | 0 | 72 | 72 |
PP EPX548T | JPPC-PPPX548TWP-00 | 51,149 | 51,149 | 110 | 22 | 22 |
PP EPX548T | JPPC-PPPX548TWP-00 | 51,149 | 51,149 | 0 | 44 | 44 |
PP – ZH510L | NZCH-PPZH510LJ-00 | 44,458 | 48,087 | 504 | 1428 | 504 |
PP C30G | MPC-PPC30GL-00 | 44,458 | 48,161 | 770 | 2266 | 770 |
PP EP440G | JPPC-PPP440GWP-00 | 50,113 | 55,658 | 99 | 429 | 99 |
PP EP440L | JPPC-PPP440LWP-00 | 50,113 | 50,113 | 440 | 286 | 286 |
PP EP440L | JPPC-PPP440LWP-00 | 50,113 | 50,113 | 0 | 88 | 88 |
PP EP548R | JPPC-PPP548RWP-00 | 50,113 | 50,113 | 0 | 110 | 110 |
PP EP548R | JPPC-PPP548RWP-00 | 50,113 | 50,113 | 660 | 572 | 550 |
PP HP510L | JPPC-PPHP510LWP-00 | 44,458 | 49,593 | 880 | 3542 | 880 |
PP HP525J | JPPC-PPHP525JWP-00 | 44,856 | 49,340 | 2002 | 3564 | 2002 |
PP HP552R | JPPC-PPHP552RWP-00 | 44,458 | 48,092 | 440 | 1034 | 440 |
PP HP552R | SHPC-PPHP552RWP-00 | 44,458 | 47,595 | 700 | 1480 | 700 |
PP HP564S | JPPC-PPHP564SWP-00 | 46,449 | 46,449 | 1518 | 1518 | 1518 |
PP MR332C | MPC-PPMR230CL-00 | 50,113 | 52,753 | 330 | 1056 | 330 |
PP RG1102XL | RJCO-PPRG1102XLJ-00 | 44,458 | 49,380 | 315 | 1008 | 315 |
PP RPX345S | JPPC-PPRPX345SWP-00 | 52,702 | 53,270 | 440 | 660 | 440 |
PP SF060 | PNCO-PPSF060J-00 | 44,458 | 49,794 | 903 | 2940 | 903 |
PP Z30S | MPC-PPZ30SL-00 | 44,458 | 47,881 | 1892 | 3432 | 1892 |
PP Z30S | SHPC-PPZ30SWP-00 | 44,458 | 47,689 | 400 | 880 | 400 |
PP ZB332C | NZCH-PPZB332CJ-00 | 50,113 | 54,256 | 210 | 357 | 210 |
PP ZH515MA | NZCH-PPZH515MAJ-00 | 47,047 | 50,483 | 105 | 231 | 105 |
PP ZR230C | NZCH-PPZR230CJ-00 | 50,113 | 52,348 | 315 | 609 | 315 |
PP-552R | NZCH-PPZH552RJ-00 | 44,458 | 47,640 | 504 | 1008 | 504 |
RAPHIA PP RP270G | SHPC-PPRP270GPP-00 | 50,113 | 700 | 0 | 0 |
PVC S65 Ghadir = 43,500 [?-100]
PVC S65 Arvand = 43,900 [?-100]
PVC S65 Bandar = 43,800 [?-200]
PVC S65 Ghadir = 42,500 [?-100]
PVC S65 Arvand = 42,900 [?-100]
PVC S65 Bandar = 42,800 [?-200]
PVC S65 Off3 Arvand = 23,700 [▫️0]
PVC E68 Off3 Arvand = 22,700 [➕200]
PVC E68 Off3 Arvand = 21,700 [▫️0]
0035 = 54,000 [?-500]
EX5 Jam = 52,400 [?-600]
EX5 Marun = 52,700 [▫️0]
F7000 Mehr = 52,650 [?-250]
F7000 Ilam = 52,700 [▫️0]
5110 = 52,300 [?-450]
Bl3 Jam = 51,500 [?-700]
Bl3 Marun = 51,800 [?-200]
Bl3 Bakhtar = 51,000 [?-400]
0075 = 56,000 [?-1400]
020 = 56,700 [?-2800]
Lf190 = 56,700 [?-800]
22B02 = 48,800 [?-300]
52518 = 46,300 [?-800]
Hi500 = 45,600 [?-600]
2102 = 56,000 [▫️0]
Lld209 Amir = 52,800 [▫️0]
Lld209 Arak = 51,450 [?-400]
PE80 Amir = 61,100 [➕1100]
CRP100 Amir Kabir = 60,900 [?-300]
CRP100 Amir Kabir Kaf = 60,300 [?-100]
CRP100 Jam = 61,200 [➕200]
CRP 100 Shazand = 61,000 [?-200]
CRP100 Maroun = 61,200 [▫️0]
PE80 ilam = 60,000 [▫️0]
CRP 100 Shazand Kaf = 60,200 [?-100]
PE 80 ilam Kaf = 59,400 [?-400]
Z30s Mar = 54,600 [?-500]
C30s = 55,700 [?-400]
3840 Tabriz = 48,200 [?-100]
7240 = 69,200 [▫️0]
1540 = 66,200 [?-200]
1551 = 64,700 [?-100]
781 = 53,900 [?-1100]
821 = 54,900 [?-1100]
5030 = 59,000 [▫️0]
552R Jam = 54,600 [?-500]
552R Arak = 54,900 [?-600]
510L Jam = 56,200 [?-600]
440G = 54,000 [?-400]
ZR230 = 58,700 [➕200]
332C = 62,100 [?-300]
PVC S65 Ghadir = 43,500 [?-100]
PVC S65 Arvand = 43,900 [?-100]
PVC S65 Bandar = 43,800 [?-200]
PVC S65 Ghadir kaf = 42,500 [?-100]
PVC S65 Arvand kaf = 42,900 [?-100]
PVC S65 Bandar kaf = 42,800 [?-200]
PVC S65 Off3 Arvand kaf = 23,700 [▫️0]
PVC E68 Off3 Arvand = 22,700 [➕200]
PVC E68 Off3 Arvand kaf = 21,700 [▫️0]
ABS N50 = 94,500 [?-500]
R40 Arak = 62,500 [?-400]