According to the news published at domestic media, yesterday, judge Masoudi Magham in the last session of the conviction of PCC top managers which are accused of corruption in the petrochemical trade, informed the audience about issuing of the dictum for one of the greatest corruption cases in Iran, till the end of August.
According to ISNA, the 10th trial against the former CEO of the Petrochemical Commercial Company and 14 other defendants was held in Branch 3 of the Special Revolutionary Court for Economic Disrruptors and Corruptors’ crimes, presided over by Judge Masoudi Magham.
At the beginning of the hearing, Judge Masoudi Maqham said: “There are 15 defendants in the case, five of whom with the names: Marjan Shaykh al-Islami, Mohammad Hossein Shir Ali, Mahdi Sharifi Niknafs, Seyyed Amin Qureshi Sarbestani and Ashraf Riahi have escaped from Iran”. The judge added: The accused defendant ashraf Riahi has later entered into Iran but is living in a hidden place and has not presented in court. However, he added: “Necessary measures are being taken to seize her bail. Also, the bail has been confiscated in the case of defendant Shir Ali and is has been ordered to issue a bail for defendant Mahdi Sharifi Niknafs. Some of the defendants also fled before the trial.”
He emphasized: “Contrary to the statements of the defendants and their lawyers, this case has been fully documented on the basis of the accounting and financial documents of PCC Company itself.” He also added: “The PCC company itself has declared that the figures you have are correct.
The judge continued: “Till the end of the year 1391 (2011-2012), the volume of petrochemical exports by PCC has been 14.592.911.000 Euros, but part of these currencies have not been transferred into the country, and only a SWIFT for $ 2.1 billions exists. Also, part of the currencies have been purchased domestically and its documents have been delivered to the court with the seal and signature of the company’s finances and the board of directors. So complete documentation and expertise has been done, and since it is based on the company’s own documents, it doesn’t need to further judicial expertise.
Judge Masoudi Magham added: “The amount of missing 6.656 billions of Euros is a disturbance in the country’s economic system, of which all the documents are available.” Furthermore, the existing of the money laundering company and holding chains are well identified and the interference of the accused in the transfers and all the companies are clear and documented for the court.” He confirmed: “We have handled this huge investigation by the help of the intelligent sector of the Islamic Guard, Intelligence Ministry, Police forces and the Judiciary Intelligence forces within a year.”
Some of the accused have not yet been prosecuted and this has been notified, and so a complaint will be returned back to the court.
The last article about “PCC Trial” published at “Polymer Industry Media International” was: PCC Corruption Defendants Link Financial Corruption Case To Circumventing Sanctions