Just Before the K 2016, Changes Are On the Way from Iran: It has been the raison d’etre of this website to create an independent, trustworthy news network in the field of Iran’s polymer industries (for the time being only plastics and rubber) with an eye to top world news.
The circumstances following the nuclear deal between Iran and the P5+1 rendered it so that Iran’s most senior publication group (Saatnia Publication House), specializing in this field since 1985 with the Plastics Industry Magazine (http://www.pime.ir) adopted the idea of creating such a network as a concept.
The idea was put into practice on November 22, 2015 (coinciding with the 31th anniversary of the group’s debut) as the site was put online. Since then, we have seen a surprisingly huge growth in the number of visitors and subscribers.
The big increase in the number of visits and users made it necessary for us to change the layouts of the Home and other pages. Those who used to help us with the website have been our guides for making the new changes to it.
Accordingly, and just before the K’2016, the Home Page will soon change, followed by other changes, to meet the comfort of our users from around the world.
That is why the layout before your eyes will change in a number of days. Then we expect to enjoy your kind comments to improve what we have undertaken.
We hope that these and other changes to the website meet the demands of international entities that are looking forward to the eradication of all the hurdles that hamper Iran’s banking relations with the world; and contribute to extensive cooperation between Iran and the world in polymer industries in the future.
Aug. 14th 2016