PP fever is burning the market, when several other polyolefins are facing with decreasing prices in the free (black) market. The analysis made on the basis of the commonly two days of bids at the “IME” hall and checking the availability and prices of most common materials at the Iranian polymer market.
On Sunday and Tuesday the traditional tender offers and the resulting trade volumes showed that the markets are still facing with the PP fever, though, some sub-grades were offered more than what the traders demanded. Some analysts believe, in periods, when the market experiences such a price rise and lack of supply it is very hard to have a stable price in a short time. Although, traditionally (in Iran) when any kind of product touches a higher price level, those who organize the market (eventually black mailers) try keep the prices at the same level, even by higher supplies.
The worse situation is the result of such a trend over the production plans of converters. At the moment, many Iranian converters try not to have long time agreements and are happy with shorter time deals. The producers of plastics products by PP, now, prefer not to risk with the PP market.
A look at the PP market shows that, irrespective of the relative increase in offers and supplies, demands continue to increase step by step with supplies. In this case the possibility of demand increase exists and due to that it is also possible, even with decreasing of the base prices by the committee and increasing in supplies by petrochemicals the PP price would stick to the highest experienced price. This, in turn, would affect the productivity of the Iranian converters.
The following table, shows the latest deviation in polymer prices.
HDPE 0035 = 40,600 [?-300]
EX5 Jam = 42,000 [▫️0]
EX5 Bakhtar = 41,400 [?-300]
EX5 Marun = 40,900 [?-200]
F7000 Mehr = 43,150 [?-50]
F7000 Ilam = 42,900 [▫️0]
5110 = 42,100 [?-100]
Bl3 Jam = 44,000 [?-300]
Bl3 Marun = 42,900 [?-100]
Bl3 Bakhtar = 41,600 [?-100]
0075 = 48,900 [?-700]
020 = 46,500 [?-200]
Lf190 = 45,200 [?-200]
52518 = 41,000 [▫️0]
2420d = 43,500 [▫️0]
Lld209 Amir = 43,700 [➕200]
Lld209 Arak = 42,600 [➕100]
Z30s Mar = 43,200 [?-200]
C30s = 42,700 [?-800]
Z30s Ar = 43,300 [?-500]
7240 = 57,700 [▫️0]
1540 = 53,800 [▫️0]
1551 = 52,700 [?-100]
781 = 43,200 [➕400]
785 = 42,800 [➕300]
821 = 43,500 [▫️0]
825 = 43,100 [▫️0]
552R Jam = 43,200 [▫️0]
552R Arak = 43,100 [?-600]
552R Maroun = 43,100 [?-600]
510L Jam = 43,100 [▫️0]
550J Jam = 43,000 [▫️0]
10720 = 83,500 [➕1000]
10415 = 84,500 [➕2000]
548R = 48,500 [?-300]
RP340 = 50,300 [?-700]
440L = 48,500 [?-1100]
N50 = 80,300 [▫️0]
Absn50 = 80,300 [▫️0]
ABS150 = 81,000 [?-1300]
To have a better idea about the above abbreviations, please refer to the first completed table at: