The impact of the global increasing prices on commodity polymers on the IME’s rates for the same materials, can justify the main reason for this continuous price increasing situation, which in turn, is the indicative of the growth of demands in the converting industries. An analysis by the economical team of PIMI has concluded that:
Market analysts believe that this increase may continue, due to global events in the petrochemical markets, along with the impacts of Harvey’s storm effects, in conjunction with the growth of prices in the Chinese markets.
On the other hand, the expectation of increasing demands for the final products of the petrochemical industry has led to an increase in the (may be unnecessary) purchase of raw materials by downstream industries. The proximity to the religious occasions such as “Eid al-Ghadir” (Sat. 09.09.2017) and the return of the Haj pilgrims, as well as the time remaining until the beginning of the month of Muharram, and of course, changing the season and the proximity to the cold days of the year, have caused, in one hand, an increase in demand, and, on the other hand, changes in the characteristics and special requests for the raw materials, has resulted in major changes at the market.
In demand, this feature has led to an increase in more consumption of raw materials, which means that we are stimulating the market on demand side. In addition to this, the stock-based stock market segment has entered to a changing phase, which has led to the rise in prices based on global events and rising US Dollar prices, ultimately leading to an increase in stock exchange rates. The sequencing of these two events, the increase in demand along with the growth of supply prices, have totally led to a free market for polymers with a rise in prices.
Also, studies have shown that the prices of polymers in the free market have been steadily rising in the last two weeks and have registered significant increasing records in the market rates. This market specialty, coupled with existing demands, have led to a rise in the price of polymers, which, in comparison with other commodity markets, the polymer markets have overcame all the present markets for all other commodity markets, even, in comparison with the steel and the construction materials.
These growth conditions, although highlighted by the rise in global prices and US$ value growth, show that the market needs more supply as there exists effective demands in the market and if there are enough supplies to the market, then, more successes could be achieved by the converting industries.
Table below shows today’s latest prices in the free market in Iran. The prices are in Rials and the free market exchange rates for US$ and Euro have been:
1 US$ = 38.900 Rials
1 Euro= 48.160 Rials
Polymer Materials Prices in the Free Markets
HDPE Blowing 0035 = 44,800 [?-700]
EX5 Marun = 47,000 [➕200]
F7000 Mehr = 47,500 [?-100]
F7000 Ilam = 47,400 [➕600]
5110 = 48,000 [?-200]
Bl3 Jam = 46,300 [?-400]
Bl3 Bakhtar = 45,000 [➕500]
0075 = 53,000 [▫️0]
020 = 52,500 [▫️0]
Lf190 = 52,400 [?-600]
52518 = 45,200 [?-800]
2102 = 51,000 [?-500]
2100 = 54,000 [▫️0]
Lld209 Amir = 47,500 [?-1000]
Lld209 Arak = 47,000 [?-850]
EX3 Amir = 53,300 [▫️0]
EX3 Arak kaf = 51,500 [▫️0]
PE100 Maroun = 53,000 [➕500]
Z30s Mar = 48,700 [?-200]
C30s = 48,500 [?-500]
3840 Tabriz = 45,900 [▫️0]
7240 = 63,400 [➕400]
1540 = 58,400 [➕400]
781 = 45,400 [?-600]
825 = 47,400 [➕400]
5030 = 57,000 [▫️0]
552R Jam = 48,400 [▫️0]
552R Arak = 48,300 [?-200]
552R Maroun = 48,300 [?-200]
510L Jam = 48,800 [?-200]
550J Jam = 49,500 [➕500]
10415 = 91,000 [▫️0]
548R = 51,800 [➕200]
RP340 = 55,000 [➕400]
440G = 50,500 [▫️0]
440J = 50,500 [▫️0]
440L = 50,800 [?-200]
N50 = 88,500 [?-300]
332C = 62,000 [▫️0]
332L = 53,700 [?-300]
PVC S65 Ghadir = 39,600 [➕600]
PVC S65 Arvand = 39,600 [➕600]
PVC S65 Bandar = 39,800 [➕650]
PVC S65 Ghadir = 38,600 [➕600]
PVC S65 Arvand = 38,600 [➕600]
PVC S65 Bandar = 38,800 [➕650]
ABS150 = 90,000 [▫️0]