By issuing a circular invitation letter, emailed to thousands of email addresses, the secretariat of the first international “Light Weight Plastics Materials, Products and Technologies” known as LWP ConFex 2020 – Iran has invited all interested experts to register for this event that is first of its kind in Iran.
This is the text of the so called letter:
Introducing ourselves as a team of Polymer and Media experts, having about 40 years of background [1], PIM Group wishes to invite you to join an event related to a crucial global issue, i.e.; safer, cleaner and healthier planet for the humankind.
PIMI as part of PIM Group that so far has organized 14 conferences and seminars is now arranging the “ConfEx 2020-Iran” [2] and cordially invites you to cooperate with this event (March 1st to 3rd 2020) by any means, including registration, sponsorship, article presentations, etc.
This letter is sending to you due to the field of your activity and we are at your disposal to answer any questions.
Thanking you in Anticipation.
ConfEx 2020 Iran Secretariat.
1 in polymers and media (starting from 1979 for polymers and 1982 for media) activities.
2 First international Lightweight Plastics, Material, Products and Technologies event (LWP ConfEx 2020 Iran).