Further to previous report, and as predicted, the FOREX index showed the value of more than 42.000 Rials for 1 US$ and so experienced an increase of 1.3% over the previous week for the value of US$, which later followed by the price of 41.640 Rls per US$.
Expert analysts from the market suggest that the dollar should be stopped after experiencing the historical record of 42.000 Rls.
They see the cause as preventing speculation and falling excitement in these markets. Of course, according to some experts in these markets, the prediction of the growing global value of US dollar and the continued growth in demand are two arms of support for the growth of dollar rates in the future days.
On the other hand, looking at the black gold market (oil) as another important indicator in determining the base prices for polymers makes it important that the price increase of this strategic item is another factor behind these price increases for polymers.
PDID of NPC price list for polymers
According to the price chart, the highest growth is due to the two SBR product grades, with a growth of 5.7% for its 1712 grade in compariosn with the last week and closing its price up to 57.062 Rials. However, the grade 1502, which has experienced similar conditions, has grown by 5.5 percent over the past week, and at the end of the day it was worth 6.900 Rials.
The remarkable thing about this product is its application in the production of special products with high technology, which means that these products will not be affected by such global fluctuations and more pricing will be made according to the demand for this product.
The 1540 polystyrene was 4% higher than last week and was announced at a price of 6,447 rials.
Table 1: Official deals at the Iran Mercantile Exchange
Commodity | Symbol | Base Offering Price (IRR) | Closing Average Price | Offering (Tone) | Demand (Tone) | Trade Volume (Tone) |
HDPE CRP100N | SHPC-HDCRP100NWP-00 | 54,532 | 54,532 | 1500 | 980 | 700 |
HDPE CRP100N | SHPC-HDCRP100NWP-00 | 54,532 | 54,532 | 0 | 20 | 20 |
LLDPE | SHPC-LLD0209AAWP-00 | 44,401 | 45,101 | 1500 | 2200 | 1500 |
PP – ZH510L | NZCH-PPZH510LJ-00 | 44,163 | 48,372 | 504 | 1974 | 504 |
PP – ZH550J | NZCH-PPZH550JJ-00 | 44,163 | 48,489 | 315 | 1575 | 315 |
PP HP552R | SHPC-PPHP552RWP-00 | 44,163 | 48,367 | 700 | 2780 | 700 |
PP RG1102XK | RJCO-PPRG1102XKJ-00 | 44,163 | 48,994 | 210 | 1575 | 210 |
PP SF060 | PNCO-PPSF060J-00 | 44,163 | 48,922 | 903 | 2877 | 903 |
PP Z30S | SHPC-PPZ30SWP-00 | 44,163 | 48,136 | 400 | 1140 | 400 |
PP ZB332C | NZCH-PPZB332CJ-00 | 49,781 | 55,527 | 126 | 672 | 126 |
PP ZR230C | NZCH-PPZR230CJ-00 | 49,781 | 51,608 | 210 | 966 | 210 |
PP 552R | NZCH-PPZH552RJ-00 | 44,163 | 48,688 | 504 | 1617 | 504 |
RAPHIA PP RP270G | SHPC-PPRP270GPP-00 | 49,781 | 700 | 0 | 0 |
Table 2: Free market prices at today’s market closing
PVC S65 Ghadir = 43,700 [?-100]
PVC S65 Arvand = 44,000 [▫️0]
PVC S65 Bandar = 44,000 [▫️0]
PVC S65 Ghadir kaf = 42,700 [?-100]
PVC S65 Arvand kaf = 43,000 [▫️0]
PVC S65 Bandar kaf = 43,000 [▫️0]
PVC S65 Off3 Arv kaf = 23,200 [▫️0]
PVC E68 Off3 Arv = 22,500 [▫️0]
PVC E68 Off3 Arv kaf = 21,500 [▫️0]
HDPE Blowing 0035 = 54,100 [➕1600]
EX5 Jam = 52,800 [➕650]
EX5 Marun = 52,600 [➕600]
F7000 Mehr = 52,700 [➕550]
5110 = 52,700 [➕1000]
Bl3 Jam = 51,800 [➕300]
Bl3 Marun = 51,200 [➕500]
Bl3 Bakhtar = 51,300 [➕100]
0075 = 55,800 [➕1400]
020 = 56,300 [➕1900]
Lf190 = 55,200 [➕1200]
52518 = 46,900 [?-300]
Hi500 = 46,200 [➕100]
2102 = 55,500 [➕1000]
Lld209 Amir = 52,600 [▫️0]
Lld209 Arak = 51,600 [▫️0]
22B02 MAHABAD = 49,200 [?-100]
CRP100 Amir Kabir = 61,200 [▫️0]
CRP100 Amir Kabir Kaf = 60,400 [▫️0]
CRP100 Jam = 61,300 [▫️0]
CRP 100 Shazand = 61,400 [➕400]
CRP100 Maroun = 61,400 [➕400]
PE80 ilam = 60,000 [▫️0]
CRP 100 Shazand Kaf = 60,300 [▫️0]
PE 80 ilam = 59,300 [?-100]
Z30s Mar = 53,100 [➕300]
C30s = 57,000 [➕2000]
7240 = 69,000 [▫️0]
1540 = 65,900 [?-1100]
781 = 56,400 [▫️0]
552R Jam = 53,200 [➕500]
552R Arak = 53,100 [➕400]
552R Maroun = 53,100 [➕400]
510L Jam = 56,300 [➕700]
550J Jam = 56,500 [➕1700]
10415 = 98,500 [▫️0]
R60 = 77,800 [➕300]
548R = 56,800 [➕800]
440L = 56,800 [➕800]
332C = 62,900 [➕100]
ABS N50 = 94,400 [?-600]
ABS N150 = 100,000 [➕1000]
R40 Arak = 64,000 [➕1400]