Irrespective of many plannings even up to stand reservations, the 14th IranPlast was postponed for the 2nd time. The decision declared by NIPC the license holder of the largest plastics & rubber exhibition in the Middle-East region.
The 14th edition of IranPlast which was organized and then canceled about two months ago, is now postponed for the 2nd time due to the order of the National Headquarter of Corona. This order issued when the committee member of the NHC were informed of the insisting of the NPC to hold the exhibition.
The first date for 14th IranPlast had been scheduled for Nov. 14th-17th 2020. However during early October the public relations of NPC announced the replacement of the date from the above date to 24-27 Dec. This new organizing date was criticized by many industrialists and some specialist media (like PIM group) that are not financially dependent to the Government sources including NPC.
Now, NPC has decided not to announce any other dates for organizing this exhibition.
The insisting of NPC and the public relations office of NPC to organize the exhibition at this critical pandemic period, remains a question. Why these guys are insisting to organize this exhibition by neglecting all heavy costs for the country, exhibitors and visitors?
The last article about “IranPlast” published at “Polymer Industry Media International” was: Interference of Two Petrochemical Exhibitions May Change Next IranPlast Date
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