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With About 150m Euro Export To China, Italians Attend For More

With About 150m Euro Export To China, Italians Attend For More

Written By : Editorial
Reading time : 1 minutes



Milan, April 12, 2023 – At the thirty-fifth ChinaPlas fair (Shenzhen, 17-20 April 2023), the Italian collective organized by AMAPLAST (Italian trade association, member of Confindustria, bringing together about 170 manufacturers of plastics and rubber processing machinery, equipment, and moulds) will comprise some forty Italian businesses occupying an area of 1,000 square metres.

These figures are to be taken as a clear sign of success, considering the fact that up to a few months ago, China has kept to a relatively reduced travel itinerary because of Covid. The historical Italian participation in the Chinese specialized fair – which currently alternates fairgrounds between the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center and the new Hongqiao fairgrounds in Shanghai – reflects the importance of the Chinese market, particularly for machinery manufacturers. In 2022, exports of Italian technology to the land of the Dragon reached a value of 150 million euros, slightly less than the figure for 2021 but nevertheless impressive since this threshold has been attained only three times in the past twenty years.Furthermore, the share of sales of complex, high-added-value systems shows additional growth. These include extrusion lines, and particularly mono- and multifilament lines, for which demand on the Chinese market has significantly increased in recent years.In 2022, Chinese production of plastic articles was close to 78 million tons, representing a 4% decrease with respect to 2021, coupled to a 7% decrease in revenues for the Chinese plastics and rubber processing machinery industry. However, Chinese GDP is expected to grow by 5% in 2023, with the government forging major investment plans in various key sectors, especially construction and manufacturing. This can have positive outcomes for the plastics industry too; a recent survey shows that 8 out of 10 Chinese plastics sector operators have an optimistic outlook for 2023.The Italian collective at ChinaPlas 2023 includes a great number of AMAPLAST members: Amut; Bandera Luigi Costr. Mecc., Blauwer; Cemas Elettra; Colines; Comerio Ercole; Electronic Systems, Ergomec, Frigel Firenze, Gap, Helios Italquartz, Itib Machinery International, Moretto, Omipa, Omso, Pet Solutions, Piovan, Plastic Systems, Previero N./Sorema, Rodolfo Comerio, Sacmi Imola, Simplas, ST Soffiaggio Tecnica, Tria; Union, Zambello Riduttori.

At least twenty other Italian companies will be present at ChinaPlas 2023, some at the stands of their local branches or agents. The AMAPLAST stand will be No. F51 in hall 10.

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