HAGAMOSphere is the trade name of an Innovative Drone that is designed like a ball so that is able to roll on ground and fly in all directions. This spherical drone was shown at CES 2025 at Las Vegas/ Nevada on Jan. 7th. The high-tech exhibition is open till Jan. 10th., 2025 and this is the story of this amazing flier.

This spherical drone was developed by a fine chemical manufacturer collaborating with a leading university in Japan.
HAGAMOSphere, a spherical drone that can move in any direction without tilting, has been named a CES Innovation Award 2025 Honoree and is unveiled at the CES 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This unique drone was developed as a collaborative effort between the industry and academia in Japan, a press release said.
In just a few years, drones have rapidly moved from being a military tool to one with several civilian applications. During this time, the concept of a drone has undergone multiple design evolutions as well. One of the characteristics of this new Drone is that it’s attachments can keep the onboard stable while flying have been launched aplenty, but preventing the drone itself from tilting is a massive achievement.