Iranian Officials Planning to Visit K’2016 for Quality Companies
Iranian Officials Planning to Visit K’2016 for Quality Companies: According to a special news allowed only for last minute publication**, reported by a freelance journalist in cooperation with PIMI Portal, a group of the Iranian Officials heading by the Iranian “Industry, Mine and Trade” (IMT) Minster – Mr. Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh- are planning to have a carefully under designing trip to Dusseldorf.
Based on the present plans (A, B, C) the trip is so far considered as a private visit and not specifically an official one, due to the main purpose of the trip which has been proposed by the “CEO of PIMI Portal“, after consideration for arrangement and insisting on importance of such a non-official visit to the first most important Plastics & Rubber Exhibition (K 2016) after “JCOPA” (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) with some of the top managers of the Iranian plastics assemblies, in a private letter to Mr. Nematzadeh, titling: How we can change the face and the competitiveness of the Iranian Plastics & Rubber Industries?
The group’s main purpose is to visit the K show, mainly avoiding official arrangements, in order to evaluate high quality companies active in producing raw materials and manufacturing of moulds, machinery and parts for “Auto , Medical, Bio-Polymers, Disposables, Industrial and Construction” sectors.
If happens as proposed and arranged based on the highlights selected by some of top assembly managers, the trip may result in a great decision: Which Iranian companies would be eligible to receive very low interest rate loans to upgrade their companies on the basis of the picked-up company names of high quality exhibitors which will be offered to the Iranian companies.
So far, the group may be composed of The Industrial Minster, The VP of The Petroleum Ministry and MD of NPC, The CEO of Amirkabir, Bakhtaran, Qadir and Jam Petrochemical complexes, The Speaker of the Auto Part Manufacturing Association, The Head of the PC Unit Owners’ Assembly and several other decision makers at the private sector of Iranian Plastics & Rubber Industries.
Though the trip is going to be planned as a private and non-official visit to the K show, however the local office of “IRIB” (Iranian Broadcasting of IR) and a media group will tape record the event and will have live and semi-live broadcasting based on the policies which will be enforce a couple of days before the K 2016 Exhibition.
PIMI Portal is trying to convince the final approval body of this special trip for use of the “PIM, PIME and PIMI” plan called “IVGK 2016” as a visiting guide for this group as well.
Even we were aware of the news since 3 weeks ago, but according to the order of the CEO of PIMI Portal we were advised not to publish the news till the last minutes of the termination of the promotional activities for publication of “IVGK 2016” booklet, in order to avoid any mis-understanding and mis-using of Mr. Saatnia’s position at this special case.
To know more about “IVGK 2016” you may refer to the following links:
Leading Iranian Cash Buyers Directly to your Stand at K 2016