As mentioned in the previous news, on the Christmas Eve, the Iranian Polymer Machine Manufacturer Association (PMMA) appreciated two of the pioneers of the Iranian plastics industry. The two have served the Iranian industry for more than 50 years, according to records. In this second part we will explain the ceremony of the second person, namely the founder of this PIMI Portal: A. A. Saatnia:
In another part of the ceremony that was published in the previous news, the conductor of the ceremony introduced engineer Ahmad Ali Saatnia. He said:
“Ahmad Ali Saatnia is born in” Amordad” (July- Aug) month and in the original Persian language, it means someone that never dies, that is, the engineer Saatnia is among the people who are immortal or correctly the one that his dids and devotions to the human kind will be immortal. After receiving a math diploma, the conductor added, “He received a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry in Iran, then goes to a military university for his National Military service and receives a BSc. in logistics and ordinance as a military officer , then in England he first holds a Master of Science in Chemical Engineering from the University of Salford in Manchester, and then holds a master’s degree in Polymer Science & Technology from the University of Aston in Birmingham”.
Shahriari, the ceremony conductor, added:”He returned to Iran two weeks before the Islamic Revolution and choose permanent residence in Iran.” Then added, “Although he was invited for many times to attend government posts, he never accepted any government jobs and continued to work in the private sector. After the establishment of three plastics factories, three trading company and a building & road construction company, he engaged in cultural activities and became the founder of the first specialized media in the field of polymer in the Asian continent since 1985 (probably only after Japan).
Then after presenting a long biography of Saatnia, the ceremony conductor invited him to the stage and he gave a speech about the importance of the Iranian-Armenian nation for development of 37 sectors of arts and industries in Iran. In his speech Saatnia prevented Armenians from having conflicts with each other. He said that: “After genocide of the Armenians by Ottoman Empire now, I feel, it is the time for the brain killing of the Armenians” This part of speech of Saatnia deeply made the Armenian Ambassador to Iran and their MP’s at the Iranian Parliament very thoughtful and later asked him to have a private meeting.
The thanksgiving was over with presentation of gift and tabloids to the both pioneers of the plastics industries of Iran.
The editorial team of PIMI congratulate this success to Mr. Zohrab Boghouzian and Mr. Ahmad Ali Saatnia (the founder of this website)