A collaboration has been started with the “Project Cargo Weekly” media in Taiwan. This is the 2nd of its kind in the Taiwanese territory, where the first kicked off between PIMI and PRM of Taiwan.
In the new era that began in the aftermath of the “JCOPA” for Iran, there was definitely a need for cooperation between the various sectors that can accelerate Iran’s trade with the world. One of these sectors, which plays an important role in this regard, is the heavy transport sector. For this reason, this website has been co-located with one of the online publications in East Asia, which we will cover it in few words.
On April 28, 2016, just 5 months after launching of of this website, the colleagues of PIMI’s editorial team actively participated in an international conference over Iran’s heavy transport (Heavy Iran 2016) and began to cover its reports. The conference initiated the relationship between the editorial staff of PIMI and some parts of global transportation – especially in the north and east of Asia – and the need for cooperation between the media and a powerful media in the world was felt from the outset.
The study of an “editorial note” in the issue 39 of that PC weekly magazine “Project Cargo Weekly” and the courageous observation of the editor of this publication (Mr. Bo H. Drewsen) showed that this is the publication that has our own way’s courage in theology, Statement of facts.

This online and weekly magazine has now collaborated with two media banner exchanges in a collaborative effort. But this is just the beginning. The collaboration between these two media definitely provides ways for closer, easier and cheaper communication to Iran’s industries and access to more sophisticated customers for heavy air, sea, and land transport lines that supply the media with ads and content. It will be found.
Iranian industry and trade owners can refer to the following web site for downloading this media.
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